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Women Have Stronger Sexual Desire In These 3 Periods Monthly

woman sex desire

I feel like my girlfriend has no interest in sex. I heard that girls have stronger sexual desires for a few days each month. But when?

In each month, girls have three periods when their physiological needs (sexual desire) are very strong and want to make love. Let’s talk about this today.


During the ovulation period, the hormone levels in girls change, and the secretion of estrogen increases, which will greatly increase the sexual desire of girls. In addition, during the ovulation period, girls will discharge mature eggs, which will also make girls want to have sex.

It should be noted that if you do not plan to get pregnant, you must take contraceptive measures when having sex during ovulation!

Before Menstruation

Before menstruation, the girl’s pelvic cavity will be in a state of congestion, and the feeling of sexual excitement will be stronger, so the girl will especially want to have sex. In addition, the secretion of estrogen and progesterone will also increase significantly before menstruation, and sexual desire will naturally increase.

The period from ovulation to the day before menstruation is the luteal phase for girls. During this period, sex should not be too intense to avoid corpus luteum rupture.

After Menstruation

During menstruation, a girl’s pelvic cavity will become congested, which will constantly stimulate her reproductive organs and increase her sexual desire. However, she must abstain from sex during menstruation, so she will naturally want sex more than usual after the menstrual period.

In addition, after the menstruation ends, the girl’s physical discomfort disappears and her mood becomes relaxed, which can make people think about having sex.

However, it is recommended that you wait two to three days after woman’s period ends before having sex. If you can’t wait to have sex right after her period ends, bleeding may occur again or even induce inflammation, so it is safer to wait two to three days.

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