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What Are The Benefits of A Regular Sex Life For Women?

sex life benefits

What negative effects will there be if women do not have sex for a long time?

Psychologically speaking, if women lack sex life for a long time, they are prone to depression, anxiety and other bad conditions.

If you have a sexual partner, but your sex life is not harmonious, there is no passion, and you cannot get sex satisfaction, you will also become irritable and lose your temper. This is one of the reasons why couples with an unharmonious sex life often quarrel.

Physiologically speaking, if women lack sex for a long time, it is easy to cause endocrine disorders. Abnormal estrogen can cause women’s skin to deteriorate. Specifically, the skin becomes dull, prone to spots and acne, and even induces irregular menstruation.

Moreover, long-term lack of sexual satisfaction can easily lead to sexual apathy in women. And the secretion of vaginal love fluids will decrease during sexual intercourse, affecting the sexual experience.

A regular and harmonious sex life has great benefits for women both psychologically and physiologically.

During sex, the brain secretes a large amount of dopamine, which helps women relax and relieve negative emotions such as tension and depression.

During sexual stimulation, a woman’s reproductive organs experience increased blood flow and congestion, which enhances local circulation. This can help improve the blood supply to the reproductive organs, supporting their health and overall function.

In addition, the muscles of the whole body relax after orgasm. In addition, the brain releases a large amount of oxytocin during sex, which can reduce the level of stress hormones and help her quickly enter deep sleep.

Therefore, women do not need to feel ashamed of having sex, let alone suppress their sexual desires. This is a normal physiological need, and you can have sex 1 to 2 times a week. If you don’t have a sex partner, you can squeeze your legs or use sex toys to orgasm. As long as you pay attention to hygiene and protect your body, there will be no problem.

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