How To Reduce Penis Sensitivity Through Training?

sensitive penis

I think I am a very sensitive person. Every time I start to have sex, I feel that my penis is stimulated so much that I can’t help but ejaculate. What should I do?

Some men cannot control their ejaculation when having sex, because their penis is too sensitive. Even the slightest stimulation can trigger an early ejaculation, which can significantly impact sexual harmony.

There are many ways to know if your penis is sensitive. The simplest is to judge by its appearance and feel.

When the penis is in a flaccid state, you can lift up the foreskin, completely expose the glans, and then gently knead it with your fingers.

Related: What Should I Do If My Penis Becomes Less Sensitive?

If you find this stimulation unbearable, it means that the sensitivity of your penis is too high; if it is just a slight itchiness and you can tolerate it, it means that the sensitivity of your penis is normal.

In the flaccid state, if the head of your penis is not smooth and has many tiny wrinkles, it means that the sensitivity is normal; if there are no wrinkles and it is very smooth in the flaccid state, the penis may be more sensitive.

If your penis is too sensitive and it affects the duration of sex, what can you do to improve it?

First of all, you need to adjust your mood. The mood during sex is very important. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself during sex. Get close to your wife with a relaxed attitude and have more confidence in your sexual ability.

Secondly, you should reduce the frequency of masturbation, don’t watch too many pornographic videos, and try to reduce sexual stimulation other than sex in your daily life.

Some boys speed up their hand movements in order to seek stimulation during masturbation, which results in strong sexual stimulation to the penis in a short period of time. In the long run, this will only make the brain center more and more sensitive to the signals generated by sexual stimulation.

Finally, I’d like to share two secrets for delaying ejaculation during sex: the squeeze method and the stop-and-go method.

The “squeezing method” is that before the boy ejaculates, the girl puts her thumb on the frenulum of the penis, and her index and middle fingers on the upper and lower edges of the coronal sulcus of the penis, and gently squeezes for 4 to 5 seconds, which can relieve the feeling of wanting to ejaculate.

The “stop-start method” is that before the boy ejaculates, the girl stops sexually stimulating him, and then the boy diverts his attention, and the girl starts sexually stimulating him again after 4 to 5 seconds.

Simply put, it is “stimulate-stop-stimulate again”. Repeated training can improve the ejaculation threshold of boys. In short, if you want to improve the sensitivity of the penis, you can’t rush for success. It will take a long time to see results.

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