I think I am a very sensitive person. Every time I start to have sex, I feel that my penis is stimulated so much that I can’t help but ejaculate. What should I do?
If you want to last longer during sex, it is important to have the ability to control your ejaculation. The so-called control of ejaculation means controlling the urge to ejaculate and avoiding premature ejaculation.
Some men’s penises are too sensitive, and they can’t control ejaculation even after a little stimulation, which greatly affects the harmony of sex.
There are many ways to know if your penis is sensitive. The simplest is to judge by its appearance and feel.
When the penis is in a flaccid state, you can lift up the foreskin, completely expose the glans, and then gently knead it with your fingers.
If you find this stimulation unbearable, it means that the sensitivity of your penis is too high; if it is just a slight itchiness and you can tolerate it, it means that the sensitivity is normal.
In the flaccid state, if the head of your penis is not smooth and has many tiny wrinkles, it means that the sensitivity is normal; if there are no wrinkles and it is very smooth in the flaccid state, the penis may be more sensitive.
If your penis is sensitive and affects the duration of sex, how can you train your ability to control ejaculation to improve and prolong sex time?
First of all, you need to adjust your mood. The mood during sex is very important. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself during sex. Be close to your wife with a relaxed attitude and have more confidence in your sexual ability. If you are too nervous, you will not only ejaculate quickly, but you may even be unable to get an erection or become soft in the middle of sex.
Control The Rhythm
Control the overall rhythm of sex. No matter how excited you are, don’t speed up and sprint violently at the beginning, as this will only make you orgasm and ejaculate quickly.
You can insert it slowly, give the penis some time to adapt to the environment inside the vagina, and then start moving. When excited, you can penetrate slower, and when the excitement value is low, speed up a little. Don’t keep the same speed all the way, adjust it at any time according to your own state.
Stay Away From Stimulation
Secondly, you should reduce the frequency of masturbation, don’t watch too many pornographic videos, and try to reduce sexual stimulation other than sex in your daily life.
In order to pursue excitement, many boys will speed up their hand movements when masturbating. The penis is subjected to strong sexual stimulation in a short period of time, generating a large number of stimulation signals that are transmitted to the brain center. The brain center receives too many signals at one time and has to speed up the processing to convert these signals into sexual excitement.
Over time, the brain center will become more and more sensitive to the signals generated by sexual stimulation, causing rapid sexual excitement after receiving the slightest sexual stimulation, which in turn causes the duration to become shorter and shorter, and the tolerance to sexual stimulation to become worse and worse, leading to premature ejaculation or even inability to get an erection.
The same reason applies to men who have short sex time. They rush in right after entering, and their brain receives a large number of stimulation signals in a short period of time and issues firing commands, so it’s over in a few minutes.
Change Sex Positions
Learn to change positions appropriately during sex. Many couples always stay in the same position until orgasm. This will not only make the girl feel that sex is boring and lacks freshness, but also the penis will not be able to get enough time to cool down. Changing the sex position will allow the penis to get a short period of time to cool down, thus achieving a delayed effect.
However, the sex positions should not be changed frequently, because it will interrupt the accumulation of female sexual pleasure. Generally speaking, 2 to 3 positions are enough for a sex session, and the last position should be the one that both of you like, which is more conducive for you to reach orgasm at the same time.
Use delayed Ejaculation Products
For example, the delay condom, the delay liquid inside the condom can reduce the sensitivity of the penis, thereby increasing the threshold of ejaculation and prolonging sex time. Of course, you can also use products such as delay sprays, and the effect is the same.
Stop-and-Go Training
The principle of the Stop-and-Go method is to gradually increase the threshold of ejaculation and enhance the ability to control sexual stimulation through intermittent stimulation and rest.
The operation is also very simple. When you realize that you are about to ejaculate, stop for 4 to 5 seconds, wait until the excitement decreases, and then continue having sex. Repeat this process to increase the threshold of ejaculation.
Squeeze Training
Before he ejaculates, the girl place her thumb on the frenulum of the penis, with her index and middle fingers below the edge of the coronal sulcus of the penis. Then gently squeeze for 4~5 seconds to relieve the feeling of ejaculation.
Just like the “stop-and-go” training, it can be used and practiced multiple times during sexual intercourse, and it will gradually delay your ejaculation.
Perineal Pressure
When you feel like you are about to ejaculate, stop the action and pretend to hold your penis. Then press your perineum without her noticing(the area between the testicles and the anus), which can effectively reduce excitement and suppress the desire to ejaculate.
Pay attention to the correct position when pressing the perineum. It will be bad if you press the anus…
Attention Diversion
The method of distracting attention is to try to divert your attention when you are very excited and about to ejaculate, think about things that have nothing to do with sex to distract yourself and calm your brain.
The method of diverting attention is very simple, and many experienced people can use it. However, if your PC muscle regulation ability is insufficient, the effect of this method may not be obvious, so you should pay attention to exercising your PC muscle in normal times.
PC Muscle Control Method
The PC muscle of men is the muscle group between the genitals and the anus. It stretches from the pubic part of the lower abdomen to the coccyx at the back of the body, so it is also called the “pubococcygeus muscle”. It plays an auxiliary role in lifting the penis. Exercising the PC muscle can increase the hardness and durability of erections, enhance the ability to control ejaculation, and prolong the duration of sexual intercourse.
Moreover, after persistent PC muscle training, the penis will be adequately supplied with blood, the erection will be more complete, and the penis will visually become “thicker and bigger”.
- How to find the PC muscle: When you hold your urine while urinating, the muscle you feel tightening is the PC muscle. If you can’t find it the first time, try a few more times.
- How to exercise the PC muscle: Lie flat on the bed and find your PC muscle. Use your head and feet as a fulcrum to lift your hips and contract your PC muscle for 2 seconds. Then lower your hips and relax your PC muscle for 2 seconds. Do not hold your breath during the exercise. You can try to contract when you exhale and relax when you inhale for better results. Each “contraction-relaxation” cycle is considered one time. Exercise about 10 times a day according to your own situation. After you have been exercising for 3 weeks, you can extend the contraction and relaxation time to 5-8 seconds, and the number of exercises can also be increased as appropriate.
- PC muscle training precautions:
- Urinate before exercising, and do not interrupt urination to exercise the PC muscle, otherwise you may suffer from prostatitis.
- When exercising the PC muscle, try not to involve muscles in other parts of the body, relax your abdominal muscles, leg muscles and buttocks muscles, and ensure that only the PC muscle is exercised.
- You should take your time to improve according to your physical condition. You should know that haste makes waste. Excessive exercise may cause PC muscle fatigue and be counterproductive.
- You should exercise when your penis is flaccid. If you accidentally get an erection during exercise, take a break and do not exercise with an erection.
As long as you have improved your ability to control ejaculation, your will again a better sex life!