How to Make Your Penis Harder and Prolong Ejaculation?


When making love, the hardness of men’s erection is very important. After all, the skills of making love can be learned, but the prerequisite is that the penis must reach a certain hardness.

If your penis only occasionally fails to achieve hardness, for example because of too much stress in life or too much overtime work, which results in an inability to achieve a normal erection, then you don’t need to be too nervous, because this problem can be solved after a good rest.

However, if your penis is often not hard enough during erection, you should pay attention to it.

So is there any way to make the penis harder during sex? If it is not a pathological problem, HealthEros recommends that you try the following methods.

Passionate French Kiss

French Kiss

French kissing is a deep kiss that can stimulate the body to produce sexual excitement and help the penis become more engorged and hard. When kissing with your tongue, you can use your tongue to draw circles in your wife’s mouth, or draw the “eight” figure, and constantly tease each other’s tongues until you can’t help but want to go further.

Increase Sexual Fantasies

Sexual fantasy is an effective way to seek excitement and satisfy sexual fetishes because it can enhance sexual desire. After all, the importance of the brain in the process of making love is self-evident, and the images imagined in the mind are also a very important sexual stimulation. Sometimes, even physical contact is not required, and sexual fantasy alone can drive sexual desire.

Exercise PC Muscles

For men, exercising the PC muscle can increase the hardness of the penis, the duration of sex, and enhance the ability to control ejaculation. When you hold your urine, the muscle you feel tightening is the PC muscle.

First, lie flat on the bed to find the location of the PC muscle. Then use your head and feet as a fulcrum to lift your hips up while contracting the PC muscle for 2 seconds. Then lower your hips and relax the PC muscle for 2 seconds. Repeat this exercise about 10 times a day.

Finally, it is very important not to give yourself negative psychological hints. Don’t have sex with pressure. Relax and enjoy it. Maybe you will perform beyond your normal level. The more nervous you are, the less likely you will achieve the desired effect when making love.

Of course, if your penis cannot become engorged and hardened normally due to pathological or deep psychological reasons, then you can try Viagra or tadalafil. These sex drugs are not only cheap, but can also effectively improve the quality of your sex life.

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