How to Make Love If Your Sex Parnter’s Penis is Too Big?

big dick

While some males feel inferior because their penis is too small, others are troubled by the fact that their penis is too big.

An overly large size penis can indeed affect the harmony of sexual life. If you are not careful, it will make women uncomfortable, and some positions cannot be tried at all.

If your penis is too big, you can try these methods to improve the comfort of your sexual activity.

First of all, you must ensure that the vagina is sufficiently lubricated. You can stimulate the woman’s sexual desire through foreplay such as kissing, caressing, oral sex, etc., so that the vagina can secrete enough love fluid, or you can use lubricants to assist. In short, you must wait until the vagina is sufficiently lubricated before entering to reduce her discomfort.

You can also use your fingers to open her pussy first, one by one, to let her adapt slowly, so that when the penis finally enters, the woman can adapt better.

During sex, men should try to be gentle and control the intensity, and avoid rough movements. At the same time, pay attention to her reaction. If she shows pain or discomfort, stop and comfort her, and then continue sex after a while.

side entry position sex

HealthEros recommends that males with bigger dicks use the side entry position when having sex. Both of you lie on your sides, and the male enters the female from behind. When doing the side entry position, it is difficult for the penis to fully enter, and the man can free his hands to caress the girl’s body and help her relax, which is very suitable for males with bigger dicks!

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