I’m Past Puberty, How To Make My Penis Grow Again?

penis growth

Most men are very concerned about the length of their penis. So many men are thinking about one question: is there a chance for the penis to grow bigger?

First of all, we need to know the structure of the penis. It is composed of two penis cavernous bodies and one urethral cavernous body. The penis cavernous body is wrapped with a white membrane, and all the cavernous bodies are surrounded by the penis fascia.

The size and length of the penis are closely related to the corpora cavernosa. After adulthood, half of the corpora cavernosa will no longer grow, which means that the male penis has basically completed its growth during puberty.

During puberty, a man’s penis increases in size, pubic hair develops around it, and the testicles mature.

After the age of 20, the size of a man’s penis is basically fixed. Although the size of the penis varies from person to person, generally speaking, 7 to 9 cm in the natural state and 11 to 16 cm in the erect state are normal sizes. In reality, few people can reach 18 cm even after erection.

Once a male reaches maturity, his penis typically will not grow further unless specific interventions are taken.

While some special methods may show short-term results, they come with significant risks. If not used carefully, they could cause serious damage to your penis, sso it is not recommended to try.

In fact, you really don’t have to worry too much about the size of your penis. Because for the experience of sex, the size of the penis is not the decisive factor for women to orgasm. The most important thing is to constantly practise your sex skills so that women can experience the best sexual pleasure.

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